Heroic Anthem
The Heroic Anthem in Rise of Kingdoms is a new version of KVK mode. There are a lot of new things that are implemented in Heroic Anthem KVK but with this guide, you will be prepared and learn everything. King of the kingdom can choose what story (KVK) your kingdom wants to play. After the registration period ends you can not change the story and you will be matched against kingdoms in the same story. There will be 4 camps and each camp can have a different number of kingdoms. Kingdoms who did not participate 3 times in a row are automatically registered to a random Story during the next registration period. You have to have City Hall Level 25 to enter the Heroic Anthem. This is implemented to stop small level accounts from botting and ruining fun in KVK. So push hard as you can to reach LVL 25 City Hall. Fog You remember when you started playing Rise Of Kingdoms that you had to explore fog to unlock some parts of the map? That is back. You will have to use your scouts ...